Aspects of Elon Musk’s life have increasingly started to remind me of those of Charles Foster Kane’s. This week I’ve been tracking three threads in Elon’s recent life: 1) his father doing a tour of podcasts, 2) his attempts to pass himself off as a world class video game player, and 3) Sam Harris’s account of Elon not understanding basic math, not paying a lost bet, and terminating a friendship over the friend pointing out Elon had lost their bet.

1. Errol Musk: narcissistic father
Elon’s father, pictured with his former step-daughter with whom he now has two kids, is quite easily recognizable as Elon’s father. Both are somewhat grandiose (Errol more explicitly), talk engineering, and seem prone to conspiracy theories. Unlike Charles Kane, Elon isn’t an orphan. However he seems to have gone without much fatherly love. In discussions, his father constantly brags and humble-brags about what he’s done and what he owns, goes on long monologues that only vaguely relate to what’s discussed, and gives paying each others’ bills as the primary example of there being love in the family. He begins one interview by praising Napoleon for 5 minutes and noting that Elon too is a fan and has collected Napoleon memorabilia.
Errol is a former officer of apartheid South Africa’s military. Without going into detail, he alludes to things he’s done at the time that were ”normal then”, sounding slightly defensive. He describes liking Trump from the beginning and says he, Elon, and Kimbal share politics that sound pretty far to the right. He introduces conspiracy theories about Michelle Obama and Emmanual Macron’s wife being men and Obama being gay. He makes, where I can judge them, factual errors that sound like he’s uninterested in facts, at least when they get in the way of his truth.
To me it’s slightly baffling that Errol and Elon, both engineers, seem so uninterested in whether they are speaking facts or fiction. In this they are like Trump. For what it’s worth, Elon’s mother has described Errol as abusive and violent. I don’t know how Elon’s relationship with his mother is, but given he chose to go live with his father when his parents divorced, he may not have had as much love in his life as he would have liked.

2. Elon Musk: god gamer
This week Elon has been trending on Twitch and Youtube for apparently having paid someone to play his Path of Exile 2 character to an extremely high level, requiring 12-hour days for weeks or months, and trying to then pass the character off as his. When people who play the game instantly called bullshit and listed incontrovertible evidence that Elon did not understand the game at all Elon went after gaming streamers. He took away Asmongold’s, who has been Elon’s ”huge fan” for years, checkmark for his very mild response to Elon’s ridiculous stream, tweeted Asmon is ”NOT good at videogames”, and released DMs between him and Asmon to embarass him for having editors. Having editors is standard for Youtubers but Elon is boomer enough to think they are like newspaper editors and thus Asmon ”is not his own man” because he has a ”boss”.
That Elon would pay for someone to play games for him in order to have gamer street cred has perhaps been the biggest thing to shift my opinion of him thus far. And there have been many prior instances. I’ve started out fairly positive about Elon and have only been Elon-pilled over the last couple of years. I did note whispering ”I am the alpha in this relationship” to his first wife at their wedding reception while dancing sounded pretty narcisisstic 10+ years ago, but thought it was, perhaps, a manageable character flaw.
Now I wonder where the bottom is with Elon. If he pays streamers to play games for him, then lies about having played the games, and then attacks relatively powerless streamers who point out the obvious, I wonder what his real accomplishments, other than buying lots of promising companies, are. There can be many – after his gaming fraud I just feel like I need evidence before making assumptions.

3. Elon reneges on a bet
This week Sam Harris detailed his falling out with Elon in 2020. The two were friends, but Elon terminated the friendship after Sam Harris asked Elon to walk back his pandemic denying tweet in March of 2020, won a bet against him, and sent Elon a text asking whether 35,000 deaths from Covid-19 were enough for him (Elon had bet against there ever being 35,000 cases in the US). Harris wrote that if he had not known, when they were debating the pandemic, he would have thought he was corresponding with someone who had no understanding of basic mathematical or scientific concepts like exponential curves.
Soon after, Elon went on Twitter to malign Sam over offences Sam calls imaginary. The fact he was so outrageously wrong about the number of cases, that Sam pointed out his faulty reasoning, and that he lost a bet, may have been eating him up over the years and would explain the vitriol directed towards Harris. To this day, he regularly calls Sam ”idiot”, ”clown”, ”mentally ill”, ”subtard” etc. on X. Often this is in reaction to what Harris says about Elon. I would not be surprised if Harris turned out to be Elon’s largest trigger, as Harris’ profile is all about honesty and calling it like it is. Elon likes to bask in people’s admiration and his actions indicate he doesn’t mind if he hasn’t earned it. People have compared Elon to the clothless emperor and Sam is a near-perfect irreverent child.
I’m Elon Reeve Musk!
Like Charles Foster Kane, Elon has ungodly amounts of wealth – more than 400 billion dollars at the moment. Like Kane, he’s made forays into politics, and is three days away from having real influence at the highest level. And like Kane, he really really really wants to be loved. He has bought and gamed Twitter to have as many followers as possible. He seems to be especially motivated to have the gaming community see him as a top member. To do this, he should put in the thousands of hours and then stream, break WRs, and perhaps go to GDQs. Instead he’s paying others and taking credit. He’s buying love with Twitter and he’s buying love with Path of Exile 2.
Unfortunately you can’t buy love. To be loved, you have to be loveable. To be loveable, you have to be vulnerable. You can’t say I’m the greatest in the world and then deny any fault. To be loved, he would need to own up to having cheated and apologize. People would make fun of him, but they would also acknowledge him as human and would see vulnerability that would make him seem more endearing. Unfortunately due to his perhaps somewhat traumatic growing up in macho South Africa, he may be unable to face himself as he is. Instead we get this:

Let’s hope he doesn’t drag everything down with his ego.
Pic credit:
https://www.bbc.com/culture/article/20150720-whats-so-good-about-citizen-kane, https://www.scmp.com/magazines/style/celebrity/article/3188639/completely-normal-errol-musk-dating-his-stepdaughter-jana,